Copperblock is a conceptual rebrand of a well-known sun care brand, coppertone. The packaging delivers a particular flair for simplicity and directness. Minimalism becomes far more noticeable when everything else on the shelf is overly complicated. The yellow lines on the package depict the intensity of each SPF and the amount of sunlight entering our bodies.
Brand Identity + Rebrand + Art direction 

Chief is an exclusive network dedicated to connecting and supporting women executives. It's a space for her to continue to invest in her career, personal life and her leadership. 
Brand Identity + Rebrand 

Meal on Wheels is a conceptual rebrand of the icon food delivery service, which is more than just a meal. The concept focuses on the enormous deed behind every knock on the door. The brand system is about each knock which delivers love, care and compassion to our ageing family members and neighbours.
Brand concept + Identity System 

Echo - Motion identity video introducing ‘Echo’ from the past. Online music streaming platform that is specially designed for classics from the past. 

Motion identity + storytelling 
Museum of unsuitable Indian grooms is a satirical museum about famous Indian unsuitable men. In India, the Hindus have idealized marriage in a big way. The museum represents the Indian patriarchal society where the husband in the community is worshipped and is assumed to be in charge and the official head of households, with women having a passive role and the husband an active dominating role. The Indian wedding inspires the identity system, and the colour red plays a very significant role in the marriage.
Brand Identity + Identity System